Online Dermatology Consultations

What is Tele-dermatology?
Tele-dermatology refers to the different aspects of dermatology using modern information and methods such as communication technology (ICT). The technology that is necessary is a mobile phone, desktop or tablet, wireless internet (Wi-Fi) or data.
Types of Tele-dermatology consultations:
- Dermatological consultations using still images and text information sent through digital technology. This is known as store-and-forward dermatology:
Patients provide their medical history, relevant clinical data and photographs. This information is then forwarded to the dermatologist who reviews it. Thereafter, the dermatologist follows up with the patient. - Dermatological consultations using video conferencing in real time:
This is similar to a face-to-face consultation. It is done in real time over a video platform.

Tele-dermatology allows for increased access to patients who have travel constraints due to distance or mobility. Consultations that do not require face-to-face contact can be done online which makes it more convenient for as unnecessary visits are avoided.
It can also be used during times of crisis where the doctor is unable to have in-person consultations such as during this time of the Coronavirus Pandemic and current Lockdown. It allows patients and doctors to be in the safety of their homes while still being able to conduct consultations in a professional, timely and safe manner.
The utmost care will be taken to ensure that you receive the best possible diagnosis and treatment.
Follow-up consultations regarding various concerns (skin, hair or nail) can be scheduled. Dr Khoza can assess patient’s symptoms, make a diagnosis, decide on a treatment plan and send prescriptions electronically either to a pharmacy or directly to the patient.
You will meet with Dr Khoza “live” via online video conference from your desktop, smartphone or tablet. You will be able to converse with her as you would in a face-to-face consult. Detailed instructions will be sent after you book your consultation as to the process one has to follow to have an online tele-dermatology consultation.
Conditions that can be treated via Tele-dermatology include acne vulgaris, viral warts, skin infections, hair loss, eczema, psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, skin care advice and any cosmetic or product enquiries regarding skin routines.
Please note: Due to the nature of certain skin conditions, some consultations may not be able to do done over a virtual Tele-consultation. We will do our utmost best to help our patients as far as possible without compromising their health.
Prior to your consultation, ensure that all your medical history is updated on your online portal or that you have it on hand with you. If you have been to see Dr Khoza at her practice before, she will have record of your information. Before the video consultation, ensure that you are in a quiet room that is private and has good lighting. Ensure that you allow the online website to have access to your microphone and camera to ensure Dr Khoza can see and hear you.
How are payments being handled?
You will receive an invoice for your consultation before your Tele-dermatology consult with the necessary banking details attached. Medical-aid terms and conditions apply and only limited to certain options. Please ensure before you make an appointment whether your medical aid will cover “Telehealth” consultations. We ask that all payments be made electronically due to the nature of the consultation.
Cancellation fees?
As per in-office consults. See our cancellation policy
How to schedule a Tele-dermatology consult?
There will be a dedicated email address for bookings. Specific and simple instructions will be sent to you via text after you have booked your consult.
Does a patient have to meet with a provider in-person before a visit can be conducted via a Tele-dermatology consultation?
No, your consultation can be done digitally or via a video-call Tele-consultation. Dr Khoza is only conducting Tele-dermatology consultations with patient’s she has already seen (in-line with stipulated HPCSA guidelines 2020) and therefore there is no need for a referral letter.
Patient information:
Follow-up patients will have seen Dr Khoza at her practice so your information is already on file. All information shared during your Tele-dermatology consultation will be updated and kept for future reference as would have been done in a face-to-face consultation.
What if I need an appointment and want to see a doctor in person?
You can schedule an in-office consult anytime via our many means of communication, see contact details. If during the course of your online consult, Dr Khoza feels you require an in person consultation, she will advise you as to the procedure for scheduling a practice visit.
**Please note: Regret, the Tele-dermatology consultations are strictly for follow-up consultations for existing patients and not for new consultations just yet. Only patients invited by Dr Khoza or deemed as medical emergencies will be attended to.