Helping you face the day with an effective acne treatment plan

An effective acne treatment plan is vital. The eyes are the window to the soul, but what about our faces? After all, the face plays such an important role in the way we function as part of society. When we enter the world each day, we ‘face it’. When we look at people, we ‘face them’. When we address difficulties bravely, we ‘face them’. ‘Facing up’, means being brave and tackling life head-on.

acne treatment

The face plays a vital role in the way we interact, present ourselves, and communicate with the world. It’s such an important factor in expressing ourselves that it’s said that only 7% of communication is verbal, meaning 93% of communication is unspoken body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

Understanding this opens us up to a new sense of compassion for those who battle with skin problems, ever hopeful for acne treatment that is instantly effective.

Acne treatment and psychological health

The inflammation, the physical discomfort, and the emotional pain can be overwhelming. Many people perceive these skin problems as being superficial, but our mental and emotional well-being is anything but superficial. It gets to the core of who we are, affecting our ability to achieve our goals as a result of poor self-esteem. Acne treatments resolve emotional and psychological suffering, too.

Understanding this complex skin issue can help to resolve it. While they can’t be cured, good acne treatments mean this condition can be managed. The support that comes from a dermatologist, like Dr. Khoza, can move mountains, along with an effective acne treatment plan.

Acne treatment and causes

Acne is a disease that presents as red and inflamed breakouts of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled spots (pustules). The condition can result in scarring and blemishes if it is aggravated by bad habits, which is why it is important to seek help in the management of its symptoms.

Acne is often seen as an adolescent’s skin disease. Although acne typically flares up in the early teens, it can start later for some individuals. For many people, it only lasts through their teen years and settles well towards their early twenties, although this is not always the case.

Acne causes

If you battle with acne, the sebaceous glands in your skin (this is the gland that produces oil) is hypersensitive to hormones in the blood, even if the hormone levels are normal. In this case, the sebaceous glands are overactive, producing too much oil. Alongside that, a buildup of dead skin cells can cause a build up, and blackheads are then formed, as a result.


  • Bacteria on the skin also plays a role in the inflammation and severity of the condition. The bacteria are naturally occurring, we all have it, but in acne-sensitive skins, bacteria sometimes overpopulates, causing more breakouts. In this instance, an oral antibiotic can be a very effective acne treatment.


  • Stress is identified as another major trigger. Living with chronic stress depletes our body’s natural fighting and regenerating abilities, it affects every avenue of our well-being, including acne. Controlling stress can be difficult, as stress can sometimes be a whole new condition on its own that needs to be treated.


  • Pregnancy, medications like contraceptives, and other medical conditions can also trigger acne. Seeking help from Dr. Khoza will explore all of these possibilities, and often when another condition is diagnosed, it means acne, as a symptom, can be resolved as the other condition is treated.

Acne treatment – How to care for your skin at home

We have all heard that we shouldn’t pop or squeeze pustules on our own because it can lead to scarring and the spread of bacteria. What else should those with acne avoid doing, in order to calm the inflammation and ease the condition?

acne treatment

Avoid cosmetic products that are not listed as acne-friendly.

Select products that are water-based, oil-free, and listed as ‘non-comedogenic’ or non-acnegenic (meaning the product is unlikely to cause comedones or acne). Be sure to remove makeup at the end of the day, and ensure your makeup remover is a product that is mild and water-based.  

Avoid switching products too soon

It takes a minimum of 6-8 weeks to show any effects once you start on a new acne treatment plan. Switching products and routines frequently can cause your skin to become irritated, which will lead to more breakouts.

Avoid drying out the skin

Acne-prone skin is oily, which is why it can be so tempting to use an astringent product to try and pull the oil away from the skin. Unfortunately, this dries out the skin, which causes irritation. Irritation will lead to more breakouts.

Avoid scrubbing

Acne is not a cleanliness issue, it’s an inflammation. For that reason, scrubbing will not achieve the hopeful results. Instead, scrubbing will irritate the skin, once again, leading to more breakouts. Instead, stick to the acne treatment plan you are on. Wash twice daily, pat your face dry gently, and only use the acne treatments recommended for your skin.

Good diet

While there is no concrete evidence that diet causes acne, a healthy diet of little or no processed foods will always be beneficial to the body as a whole. As each organ and each body function relies on another, it makes sense that healthy eating would have benefits that echo across all avenues of health. If you are looking for a diet that’s great for your general health, eating for eczema is a great general guideline for anyone looking to make a healthy change..

Acne treatment

When you visit Dr. Khoza, we will discuss an acne treatment plan with the correct medications for your condition. Some of the typical acne treatments patients get great results from, include:

  • Topical acne treatments, i.e. those that are applied directly to the skin
  • Oral antibiotics, i.e. tablets taken by mouth
  • Oral contraceptive pills
  • Isotretinoin capsules

It is important to remember that most acne treatments need you to give them 2-4 months before they show their effect. Patience is difficult, but very necessary in order to see the desired results.

Facing the day with confidence

While we want each person to realise their worth is far greater than skin-deep, a condition which is visible to others can be a major stumbling block to success for many people. Resolving the condition and managing its symptoms can bring great relief, empowering those who battle with it to pursue their goals and lead happier and more fulfilled lives.  

Dr. Khoza is passionate about helping people to live their best lives. Understanding the complexities of a condition like acne means she can offer results that will take time but show a positive effect. The support and compassion required to treat this condition is often a critical ingredient for success. Start on the road to recovery today and face the day with renewed confidence. Book your consult today.

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